Jason Nunn photo
Odie Overholt began racing in karts and has steadily been improving in the late models.
It was a struggle at first learning how to become more consistent but it seems he has figured out the set ups and more importantly he’s figured out what it takes as a driver to be more consistent.
The Zone spoke with Overholt and he had this to say, “It feels great, blessed to be doing so good.”
When asked what’s changed, he said, “I’m the most comfortable I’ve ever been in a late model. We found something during practice day that really set it off.”
As with any successful race team there are several people that help him and he wanted to take a moment to acknowledge them and his sponsors, “I’d like to thank mom, dad, Clyde, Petey, Taylor, Eli, Trey, Alex, and my sponsors. I couldn’t be here without them, they never let me down and always willing to help me with countless hours in the garage and at the track.”
Overholt continued, “A big thanks to Reece Monument Company, Wallace Auto Sales, Tazewell Drug Express Care, Pizza Inn of Tazewell, Tolliver Tree Service, Debbie Fields Reality Group, Petty’s Wrecker Service, Phantom Race Engines. Thank you to mom, dad, Taylor and Josie for the love and support. Thank you to all my fans.”
Developing consistency is tough in racing and when it happens it is amazing to watch. Odie Overholt is a threat to win anytime his Hoosier’s hit the clay banks especially at Tazewell Speedway.
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