A deeper look at Eli England’s accomplishments.

The well mannered, Eli England was a standout from his freshman season at Claiborne High School. He went perfect during his first regular season and shocked the entire East Tennessee area when he finished runner-up at state. He continued his regular season winning streak all the way through his career as a Bulldog finishing with a 100-0 regular season record.

What other records, medals and championships did he win? England won three district titles, one team district title, two regional titles, one team regional title and was First Team All-State twice and was named to the Second All-State Team once. England was the Southeast Region Freshman of the Year.

England was no stranger to national recognition. He garnered the USA Today Southeast Region Player of the Year award and was an ESPN Awards show finalist for Players of the Year finishing in second place. He won 48 tournament titles in three years and was the Knoxville City Championship winner in back-to-back years. During the MTC Events he swept eight tournaments in a row (Kentucky). He racked up the most wins in Claiborne High’s classification while giving up the least points.

Including district, region and state tournament play, England racked up 126 total wins at CHS and overall, he finished with an outstanding mark of 248 wins against seven losses.

Eli England simply shined on the court at Claiborne High and many fans believe there should be a huge banner placed at the tennis courts when they are remodeled because the winning streak, he went on will likely never be repeated.

The Zone will keep up with England as he will soon start a new tennis career and further his education at Tusculum. – AE

Tennis coverage provided by Lester’s Fabrication.

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