Category: Hall of Fame
The Zone’s Marketing Partner of the Day: McNew Insurance Agency

McNew Insurance Agency is located at 1585 Tazewell Road in Tazewell, Tennessee. Judy McNew is the owner and she offers various coverages for all your needs. McNew has been actively supporting local sports for years and we appreciate her partnership in our pursuit to place wholesome news about our students…
Claiborne High School FFA shows well in competition

November 13, Claiborne High School FFA members competed in competitions. Madison Ferguson was awarded first place in Prepared Public Speaking. Matthew Sandefur was awarded second place in Employment Skills. Trinity Mabe was awarded fourth place in Creed Speaking at the Norris District Contest held at Anderson County High School. CHS…
The Zone’s Featured Marketing Partner of the Day: Dennis M. Bailey Attorney At Law
Sherry McCreary realtor is The Zone’s Marketing Partner of the Day

The Zone’s marketing partner of the day is Sherry McCreary affiliate broker of the Realty Network. McCreary can be reached at 423-869-3121 or 423-851-2747. The office is located at 144 Kirby Street in Harrogate, Tennessee. Thank you Sherry for becoming a partner with The Zone and for supporting our local…
Jimmy Seals Logging is the newest marketing partner of The Zone
The Zone Featured Marketing Partner of the Day: Danny England Motors
The Zone Featured Marketing Partner of the Day: Five Star Properties

Five Star Properties is today’s featured marketing partner. Five Star Properties strives to be an innovative, versatile, ever-expanding company. They pride themselves on treating people right and the ease with which they do business. Located in New Tazewell, they specialize in real estate, storage facilities, homes and much more. They…
The Zone Featured Marketing Partner of the Day: Bi-County Propane
The Zone’s Featured Marketing Partner of the Day: Elevation

Elevation is a science-based, sports performance and fitness facility that is located in Middlesboro, Kentucky at 1510 Cumberland Avenue. They feature fitness training, therapy and more for teams and individuals. Thank you Elevation for your partnership with The Zone and for supporting coverage of our local athletes of all ages….