Kid + Pop Shop re-signs with The Zone

Randy Tennyson and Kid + Pop Shop has re-signed with Claiborne County Sports Zone. This awesome business located at 920 N. Broad Street in New Tazewell, Tennessee has just about everything from antiques, tools, furniture items, collectibles of all kinds and a large selection of record players and albums. Randy…
Tennessee Eagles win two
The Zone’s Veteran of the Month as presented by Jon Smith Subs, Harrogate
The Zone’s First Responder of the Month as presented by Randall Smith: Sgt. Blake Laws
The Zone’s Educator of the Month as presented by Randall Smith: Caleb Howard

Caleb Howard is the band director at Claiborne High School, and he is fresh off Claiborne’s inaugural indoor winter Guard competition. Howard will use the proceeds off the competition for general band expenses in the upcoming year. Kristy Cadle nominated Mr. Howard and she had this to say about him,…
2023 Claiborne Lady Bulldogs Softball Preview
CHS hosts First Annual Indoor Winter Guard Showcase

Claiborne High School hosted the First Annual Claiborne Indoor Winter Guard Showcase, February 25. The competition featured winter guard individual, duet, percussion, and other competitions. The CHS band and bands from other Claiborne County high and middle schools participated in the competition, as did several other Tennessee high schools. Competitors…